Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wisdom To Ordinary People

 Blue Mountain Beach, FL (8.04.07)

I stumbled upon these verses the other night. There's so much truth to be gained! I love how the Contemporary English Version makes it easier to read and understand. I'm definitely going to have to revisit this passage once I'm better and my brain isn't quite so foggy. I pray you are blessed today as you read these verses. May they bless you from the top of your head down to the bottom of your toes! (All emphasis below is mine.)

 "The Law of the LORD is perfect;
it gives us new life.
His teachings last forever,
and they give wisdom
to ordinary people.

The LORD's instruction is right;
it makes our hearts glad.
His commands shine brightly,
and they give us light.

Worshiping the LORD is sacred;
He will always be worshiped.
All of His decisions
are correct and fair."
Psalm 19:7-9 (Contemporary English Version)

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