Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I'm sick.  There, I admitted it.  My body's been giving me the signs that it was under attack for a few weeks now, but I've been in denial. (Kinda like the river in Egpypt. ha)  I hoped I could will it away with positive thinking.  But alas, some kind of crud has caught up with me.  It went straight to my chest --- hello, bronchitis! 

I went to the store last night and stocked up on "drugs":

Ricola cough drops are great, but I constantly hear the guy from the commerical in my head, "Ricolaaaaaaaaaa".  I've been taking double doses of Vitamin C.  I don't normally take vitamins, but perhaps I should start?? 

 I also got some OJ and grape juice, both high in vitamin C.  For some reason, the grape didn't taste too great.  I forced myself to drink a glass before bed. 

 I love Sudafed!  It really makes me feel better, however, I don't know what's in it that makes me stupid.  I've been doing the stupidest stuff the past two days.  My mind feels foggy.  It's really odd and frustrating. 

I haven't tried the Zicam yet.  I love their swabs though; have worked miracles before! 

I didn't realize until I got home, but when I looked on the receipt, it says, "Cashier Confirmed - Age Over 18".  I laughed.  I'm commonly mistaken for a teenager, so I guess I looked older yesterday.  Craziness.

I sure hope I get better soon.  I can't wait to get back to the YMCA.  I miss working out, but I'm useless when I'm like this.  I hope you all stay well!

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