Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy 100th!

Have y'all seen the new Spring commercial?  You can call, text or email or text Veatrice Henson who's turning 100! 

"Veatrice Henson, a Missouri resident who is turning 100 this year. As part of a new ad campaign starting today, Sprint is encouraging its customers to reach out to the woman in order to wish her a happy birthday in the spirit of what it is calling “Random Acts of TogethernessTM.” 

Sprint is tracking the well wishes on its Web site, and notes that it will help Veatrice respond to the messages. That might be a tough job.

She’s already received more than 800 calls, more than 1,400 texts and more than 500 emails."  (Info taken from:

Want to contact Veatrice?
Phone: 816.892.5407

Happy 100th birthday, Veatrice!

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