Sunday, August 16, 2009

Blue Mountain Beach Family Vacation

It was a week full of fun and laughter. We weren't sure how Scooter would like the beach, but he literally tried to swim in the sand. Needless to say, first thing in the morning and later in the day, we'd spend hours there playing in the sand and ocean. A great time was had by all!

I stood on a sand bar to get the next three shots. :) I held my camera high above my head and prayed I didn't fall down into the water. I do what I can to get the shot I want, you know?

Squirt was into EVERYTHING, so I put oven mits on him to see what would happen. He still tried to get into stuff, but he had some challenges. haha Finally, he said, "Aunt Mer, I'm done with these."

A very tiny boy in a very large chair on quite possibly the hottest day ever!

Sweet Momma

Wow. Look at ALL the footprints!!

Path which led to the beach.

Our backyard view

This looks like a scene from "Forrest Gump".

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